A bronze incarnation
of the likes of him
whom I always thought
was too beautiful to
waste affections on
But what do I do
when your beauty
surpasses all reason
your laugh
drives all pain away
and yet leaves me
with this weird ache
this knotted longing that I haven't felt
since I walked with the other one in the stone garden
So let wise men be damned
let me abandon all will
for the sake of this
headlong love
But fearless though I am
I find you
And while you echo my laughs,
And send those sidelong glances my way,
you seem to think nothing of them
..the laughs I mean.
You laugh so easily
too easily
it scares me.
I'd rather you
were the gently brooding kind
on whom I could lavish uninhibited
elaborate kindnesses
And whose lack of grace
I could make up
a million excuses for
But no,
your smooth
rogue-ish grin
is sure to mock my clumsy leaps
into this new age
of silk tongued courtship
of which you are lord and master.
This little girl's too old fashioned for you
Your waters too clear to dip her
weary feet in,
too strong to rescue
too brave to protect
you are perfect.
and she's too old to love you